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Wait Confidently

"We are saved by trusting. And trusting means looking forward to getting something we don't yet have- for a man who already has something doesn't need to hope and trust that he will get it.

 But if we must keep trusting God for something that hasn't happened yet, it teaches us to wait patiently and confidently" - Romans 8:24-25

Do you trust God? 
Let your trust be evident in your confidence.

While trusting God for something you don't have or cannot see yet, it is possible for you to lose faith, shift your focus or give up totally. Don't give in to this possibility.
While you're waiting, while you're expectant, be CONFIDENT!


  1. i shall wait confidently henceforth. thanks sis

  2. Thank you for this beautiful platform dear, that we may be worthy epistles to be read


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