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Simple as ABC? Ask a child in kindergarten to share his/her experience and explain how simple it is to learn ABC. ABC isn't simple a'll!

If you can read this, it means you already know your alphabets. Can you take a quick flashback and picture your little self while trying to learn ABC back in the days? You might not be able to. Ok then, have you ever being with a child while that child is trying to wrap his little head around ABC, trying not to miss an alphabet while learning? The truth is learning ABC was never easy and isn't going to become easy.

Then the question is how did I succeed in learning ABC and 123 finally, how did I get to understand the fact that A comes before B and B before C? How did I grasp the fact that 2+2 would always =4? How, how and how…

I'm sure you must have heard the cliché that life is in phases, well that’s true. Life is really in phases. At a phase in our life, all we could do was to put everything we laid our hands on in our mouth. Just a side thought- does putting things in our mouth help us determine its identity or configuration? Well, I don’t know. If you do, kindly add that in the comment section. So, back to my earlier point, there are various stages/phases in life, as there are also so many times in life. As the Preacher wrote, there is a time to be born and a time to die.

The subject matter here isn't how difficult learning ABC is, or the fact that life is in phases. I would however like to call our attention to another phrase which I'm hoping would become a widely known cliché in some few months or perhaps years… I'm smiling now. The phrase is this, LIFE IS IN CAPACITIES! Yea, that’s right. Life is in capacities.
To answer the question of how you and I were able to eventually surmount the big monster called ABC. We overcame because we had the capacity to do so at that point in our life. Ever watched a child grow up? If you have then you'd be able to relate well to my next example. When babies arrive on earth, one of their first mission is to cry out loud (COL)- I like the sound of that, what do ya think?- A week old baby has the capacity to do nothing but cry, eat, sleep, and poop. Then poof, the baby is 3months old and there is the capacity to start learning to sit. At four months, the capacity to sit is fully maximized, and alas baby is sitting. And on and on and on till little whiny crying baby becomes a full adult with the capacity to reproduce another tiny whiny bundle of joy and capacities.

The thing is this, at every point in our life, there is something we are meant to be doing. Often times, some people limit themselves thinking they can't do that just yet. They subdue the capacity for that phase. The truth we all should know is this- we do not know what we are capable of until we decide to 'shoot our shot' . A young lady might think of herself as incapable of nursing a child to health and maturity, she could have fears and worries. But the moment she conceives, the capacity to deliver becomes available, the capacity to breast feed comes to fore.

God created us in a unique way such that once we yield ourselves, all inbuilt capacities starts to show forth. The lady might take a look at her breast which has been her companion and part of her body decoration for so long and be surprised at the rate at which it produces milk. What if she never gives birth to a child who needs her milk to grow thereby, what do you think would happen to her breast and its capacity to continually flow with milk as long as there is a need for it? This leads me to my second point.

Some capacities won’t show forth until we come in touch with some people or things. The same way a lady won’t 'leak' unless there's a child who needs her milk. We need to learn to open up ourselves to capacity building. Now that we know that our life is in capacities, we should learn to do an appraisal of our lives and ask questions such as what should I be handling now, what should be my scheme of work? Are there capacities I'm supposed to tap into at the moment? For example, we have the capacity to make wealth. However, the capacity to do so is higher in a youth compared to a septuagenarian. We must recognize that each capacity comes with a stage of life.

Once upon a time, our capacity was to learn ABC in kindergarten, we learnt that, and then moved on to understanding stuffs like calculus, algebra, essay writing, anatomy and sentence construction. Don’t settle for less, harness your capacity.
Cheers to a life of capacities!
Watch out for the next LIFE IS episode
