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For The Love of Cherry

African Cherry, also known as Agbalumo, Udara, and Otien in different parts of Nigeria is an exotic fruit that comes with harmattan and is usually at the peak of its season in January till March when it phases out.

The African cherry at the peak of its season is sweetly-sour, plenteous and affordable.

Health Benefits Of The African Cherry

  • Agbalumo has a rich fibre content that aids weight loss by allowing you to feel full for a longer time. You will enjoy the fibre benefits best by eating the skin with the pulp.
  • Udara helps to lower blood sugar and control diabetes. 
  • Otien is a good source of vitamin and minerals. African cherry contains vitamins A, B, C, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • African cherry contains folic acid, a vital nutrient for pregnant women that prevents congenital diseases.
  • It is nutritious and can serve as a healthy snack.
  • It prevents nausea. The sour-like taste of the African cherry has the ability to sop nausea in sick persons and pregnant women alike.
  • It is antioxidant in nature and this helps to boost the immune system, prevents and fights diseases.

Please consult a physician before taking African cherry if you have any underlying medical condition.

Watch out for how to prepare a cocktail using African cherry.
Have a merry weekend!
