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Give up on giving up.

There are so many circumstances around our lifes that would make us feel like  throwing in the towel, situations that are seemingly beyond repair and salvation. Friends and families we are tired of trying to love. we want it all to end, we want to feel free from the stress. Right, situations like that can be very stressful and tiring.

How about we forsaking the idea of giving up, how about we persevering. Holding on to faith and love. Why don't we keep holding the hand that rejects us, wiping  the tears from the cheeks of those who despise us,why don't we keep sending those applications, there is a job out there waiting for you.

Why don't we keep loving our "annoying and irritating" friends and spouses. Lets not give up on them, rather, we should give up on giving up, we should perserve, we should keep hope alive. When a man starts losing hope, his chances become slimmer.



  1. Enter your comment...There are endless possibilities that await us when we give up on giving up. A good note to begin a year such as this with.


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