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Showing posts from February, 2018

Who Are You?

The things we miss out on, simply because we don’t know who we are. There’s this story (paraphrased by me) about the man who saved so much to buy tickets to get on a ship. He could only afford the tickets, or so he thought. During mealtimes, while others headed to the dining room to enjoy sumptuous and lavish meals, he would stay back in his room to eat cabin biscuits and the likes that he had managed to bring on board. The last night on the ship, a fellow passenger who had observed his withdrawal into his cabin at meal times finally decided to question him to find out why he chose to miss out on the mouth-watering culinary delicacies other passengers were enjoying. His response: “After paying for the ticket, I did not have money to pay for the meals” The other fellow was surprised and had to explain that the ticket was his pass on the ship so he had a right to the meals and much more. The man was shocked to hear this. He was also sad. If only he knew the statu

The African Cherry Cocktail

This is long overdue, I’m so sorry. So, there’s more to enjoying the African cherry (Agbalumo, Udara, Otien) than popping it in your mouth and enjoying its fleshy juices. That can’t be all. The curiosity that led to the first cooked meal must definitely have led to the discovery of the African cherry cocktail. I’m sure you must be wondering by now where the juice from the cocktail will come from, I wondered at first, but now I know. Without further ado, you need the following for the cocktail: 3 African cherry 2 Tablespoons honey 3 Scent leaves 1 teaspoon ginger powder A tablespoon of sugar 2 cups of water 1 tablespoon Angostura Bitters (or any other bitters) 2 shots of Hennessy (Optional) The Hennessy has a sweet undertone to complement this drink but you can it have this drink as a mocktail instead if you choose not to add alcohol. Method Wash and peel your agbalumo fruits scraping the seeds and the skin for all the elements of the fruit into a bowl. In a bl

God hears

"Then the Priests and Levites stood and blessed the people and the Lord heard their prayers from his holy temple in heaven" I Chronicles 30:27 God hears: This is the confidence we have when we call on him, talk to him and wait on him. He not just hears us, he responds. One of such responses is in I Chronicles 18-20 when God listened to Hezekiah’s prayer and did not destroy the people who ate the Passover without undergoing purification/sanctification rites. God saw the thoughts and intents of their hearts and the fact that that they had come a long way because they were determined to follow him. God heard Hezekiah’s prayers and responded.  Talking to God is therapeutic, you’ll feel better afterwards.  Talk to Him today