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Showing posts from July, 2015

Give up on giving up.

There are so many circumstances around our lifes that would make us feel like  throwing in the towel, situations that are seemingly beyond repair and salvation. Friends and families we are tired of trying to love. we want it all to end, we want to feel free from the stress. Right, situations like that can be very stressful and tiring. How about we forsaking the idea of giving up, how about we persevering. Holding on to faith and love. Why don't we keep holding the hand that rejects us, wiping  the tears from the cheeks of those who despise us,why don't we keep sending those applications, there is a job out there waiting for you. Why don't we keep loving our "annoying and irritating" friends and spouses. Lets not give up on them, rather, we should give up on giving up, we should perserve, we should keep hope alive. When a man starts losing hope, his chances become slimmer. #giveupongivingup #livelovelearn
We all speak about love. We want to be in love, we want to be loved, we love someone, we love something and the likes. But really what is love? Some would tell you there is no such thing like love. Like I once heard, that love is an overused English word... hmmn! I agree. Some people feel somehow using the word for even their friends. Some guys would rather not tell a lady they love her. While, some use the word carelessly. Love has being explained by different people and have being given different meanings. We even categorise it, we say there is 'Phileo', we say there is 'Eros', and 'Agape'. But all said, we are still talking about love, let's forget d types. In all, love is God, God is love. But as humans how do we term love, what does it truly mean to us, do we have to love based on conditions, do we have to feel constricted to declare that we love someone? And so on. We even tell ourselves we cannot love unconditionally, some would even sa

Ain't sulking

Our lives are very important, it's the basis of every other thing.  Without your life, you can't claim to love certain persons, to love some activities and so on. Death is said to be inevitable, that means we all are going to be gone sometime.  Why then should we live with regrets, why should we have a malicious habit, why should we be greedy, why should be unrepentant and unaccomodating, why should be sad,why should we hate? Death is a life time bomb,it can explode at anytime, and when that happens, its main target is life,our life's.  Let us love our lifes, let us love our selves, let's be willing to leggo when we are supposed to. Let us hold hands,let us smile, let us embrace, let us kiss our loved one's, let us suck in the air hungrily, after all, it's free! The essence of life is love, when hate and anger takes over, then death comes closer and very painful.

never too broke

life is full of so many not too good things, and as humans, we have called this not too good things many things. there are like a thousand and one adjectives used to qualify the various ordeals we face in life. we have all sorts of things to say about our experiences, either good or bad. some of us would even like to meet the creator and ask him a whole lot of questions. now, don't think there is a person on the surface of this earth who doesn't have a story to tell, trust me we all do, even the richest man on earth.  but, i would say why don't we all capitalize on the good side, i know a lot of peeps who would say they've heard that before, i agree with you, but there is a different tone to my own side, besides am not a preacher, you can learn from me anyways.  the first bright side is that you've got friends, even in the prison, people hang out, no man is ever truly alone, there is always someone beside you. but you know what the problem is, we overlook, inst